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I am the deaf educator for CMCSS. I am based at Norman Smith this year and proud to be a bear! I have been teaching deaf and hard of hearing students since 1995 in TN and GA. I was born and raised in Clarksville and a product of CMCSS Schools. I graduated with my bachelor's and master's degrees from University of TN in Knoxville- GO VOLS! My philosophy on teaching is that for a student to be successful, it is a team effort. I am here for the students, but also the parents, teachers, administrators and staff. Each student will learn the skills needed to be a successful adult. I know this will be a fabulous year!
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Welcome to a new school year!  

  • Pay attention to teachers and interpreters.
  • Do your best.
  • Take care of hearing equipment.  Bring extra batteries to school.
  • Advocate for yourself.  Let teachers and parents know if something needs to be repeated.  
  • Respect others and their personal spaces.

Classroom Books