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I was born in Fort Riley, Kansas, and aside from living there I have lived in Michigan, Texas, Kentucky, and Tennessee. I received a B.S. in Health and Human Performance with a minor in Health at Austin Peay State University in 2006. I earned my Masters in Teaching at Austin Peay in 2010, and upon graduating I began teaching 5th grade in the Fall of 2010 at Norman Smith. I taught 5th grade for 5 years at Smith, and I then transitioned to physical education to pursue my undergraduate degree. This will be my eighth year in physical education and my 13th year at Norman Smith! It has been so exciting to help lead our students towards safe, healthy, and active lifestyles. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via the Norman Smith Elementary School phone number or by emailing me at [email protected].
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  • Respect! Everyone and everything
  • Follow all directions
  • Enter and leave the gym quietly
  • Show good sportsmanship at ALL times       

    Please make sure your child wears appropriate shoes on his and/or her P.E. days. Thank you for your support with your child's safety in physical education!

Classroom Books