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August 26th, 2022Updates & Reminders Aug. 26, 2022
A few updates and reminders from CMCSS as we finish the third week of the 2022-23 school year.
Grant Received
Norman Smith was the recipient of a grant from the Clarksville Montgomery County Education Foundation. The Foundation awarded the student support coordinator, Anna Hudgens, with a Great Idea Grant. The $1000 grant is to purchase materials for our Sensory room. Sensory rooms are a great addition to an educational environment because they allow a space […]
NSES Teachers are EXCITED!
Last week teachers gathered together across the district for convocation. Norman Smith joined other elementary and middle schools at Clarksville High School to celebrate the new school year. With boom sticks, noise makers, and voices cheering our loudest Norman Smith scored the award for the school with the most SPIRIT!! WAY TO GO BEARS!! A […]
Live Bus Updates
Back to School
Our first weeks back to school have been amazing. Today we welcomed all of our Kindergarteners into the building. We love seeing the smiling faces and hard work already taking place all over the building. Parents remember to check our Facebook page and this page frequently for news and important dates.
Age-Appropriate Materials Act
In accordance with the TN Age-Appropriate Materials Act, CMCSS has a policy and procedure to ensure that each school’s library collection is developed and periodically reviewed in accordance with state law and has a procedure to receive and evaluate feedback from students, parents/guardians, and employees of each school.
ESSER Health & Safety and Budget Plan Feedback
CMCSS is continuously seeking feedback from stakeholders on the ESSER Health & Safety and Budget plans in accordance with state and federal rules and regulations.
Special Education and 504 Records Disposition Notice
Records will be held through the individual’s age of 25. The destruction will occur after the individual’s 26th birthday.
Family Guide to the Start of School (2022-23 School Year)
Read more about everything you need to know about the beginning of the 2022-23 school year.
Kindergarten Information for the 2022-2023 School Year
We are excited to welcome our kindergarten families to CMCSS!